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A group that consisted of members from both Berean Christian Church and First Christian Church had a monumental task. They had to not only guide the process in name choice, but also a logo to help identify the new church. 

The process seemed simple. First, attenders from both congregations were asked to submit their ideas for the new church name.  There were 45 suggestions from a wide variety of members. Then the hard work of choosing the name began. For weeks the group was in prayer about the name seeking guidence and direction, but also peace and patience. The prayer paid off.  In one meeting the task was complete and the name United In Faith Christian Church was chosen. 

Then the equally difficult task of designing a logo was undertaken by the same group. In no time the rough ideas, sketches, and drawings were compiled and brought down to 3 finalists. The name and logo ministry group they voted on the design and the new logo was born.   

Now that the name and logo are done you will see it popping up in all sorts of places. By the end of the year the Berean signs will be replaced on the exterior of the worship center and then visually we will start identifying as United In Faith.