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Every Sunday a team of dedicated United In Faith members operates the sound board, lights, cameras, computer graphics, projectors, and live feed on Facebook. They would welcome your help and offer this ministry opportunity!

So, if you are high school age or above join the team. There are no technical qualifications for this opportunity if you are interested. Also, tech team ministry leaders will train you on the various aspects of the duties. This means you will not be left in the dark or thrown into something you are not ready for.

It is also important to know that we have a rotation set up so you would not be in the tech booth every week.

We know it is a difficult step forward and ask to be a part of a ministry team, but all will be welcomed and the current tech ministry team members will do everything they can to make you feel at home. If you are interested in this ministry opportunity, reach out to Brandi Miles, the Youth and Worship Pastor, and she will help you get involved in tech!